Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dengl 7 Fly The Standard in London

I have found at least three truly sterling articles in the Standard of 31 Oct (and haven't finished reading the issue yet) –
First, Dovkants, Link
tells the story of one Steve Moxon who publicised inadequacies in government agencies’ counting methods and found it difficult to get a higher profile for his material ….

Next, Valentine Low writes:
which is about the laborious and artistic reconstruction of St Pancras Station

Lebrecht -
this is about “Songs for my Father” and I will say no more about this here – you need to read the piece – and probably buy the record ….

and for such as these I will continue to buy the paper. I urge that those who merely pick up a freesheet and let that suffice are doing our city a disfavour - such people should realise that each such acceptance of an ostensibly "free" gift is really to connive in an attempt to kill what is in very many ways a paper of great quality and utility to the capital. Free gives an impression of adding to things - picking up a 'minus'sheet is really a subtraction from the future wellbeing of the capital. Thank you Standard and keep going!

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